Akka I/O
The I/O extension provides an non-blocking, event driven API that matches the underlying transports mechanism.
Getting Started
Every I/O Driver has a special actor, called the manager
, that serves as an entry point for the API.
The manager
for a particular driver is accessible through an extension method on ActorSystem
. The following example shows how to get a reference to the TCP manager.
using Akka.Actor;
using Akka.IO;
var system = ActorSystem.Create("example");
var manager = system.Tcp();
TCP Driver
Client Connection
To create a connection an actor sends a Tcp.Connect
message to the TCP Manager.
Once the connection is established the connection actor sends a Tcp.Connected
message to the commander
, which registers the connection handler
by replying with a Tcp.Register
Once this handshake is completed, the handler and connection communicate with Tcp.WriteCommand
and Tcp.Received
The following diagram illustrate the actors involved in establishing and handling a connection.
The following example shows a simple Telnet client. The client send lines entered in the console to the TCP connection, and write data received from the network to the console.
public class TelnetClient : UntypedActor
public TelnetClient(string host, int port)
var endpoint = new DnsEndPoint(host, port);
Context.System.Tcp().Tell(new Tcp.Connect(endpoint));
protected override void OnReceive(object message)
if (message is Tcp.Connected connected)
Console.WriteLine("Connected to {0}", connected.RemoteAddress);
// Register self as connection handler
Sender.Tell(new Tcp.Register(Self));
else if (message is Tcp.CommandFailed)
Console.WriteLine("Connection failed");
else Unhandled(message);
private UntypedReceive Connected(IActorRef connection)
return message =>
if (message is Tcp.Received received) // data received from network
else if (message is string s) // data received from console
connection.Tell(Tcp.Write.Create(ByteString.FromString(s + "\n")));
else if (message is Tcp.PeerClosed)
Console.WriteLine("Connection closed");
else Unhandled(message);
private void ReadConsoleAsync()
Task.Factory.StartNew(self => Console.In.ReadLineAsync().PipeTo((ICanTell)self), Self);
Server Connection
To accept connections, an actor sends an Tcp.Bind
message to the TCP manager, passing the bind handler
in the message.
The bind commander
will receive a Tcp.Bound
message when the connection is listening.
The bind handler
will receive a Tcp.Connected
message for each accepted connection, and needs to register the connection handler by replying with a Tcp.Register
message. Thereafter it proceeds the same as a client connection.
The following diagram illustrate the actor and messages.
The following code example shows a simple server that echo's data received from the network.
public class EchoServer : UntypedActor
public EchoServer(int port)
Context.System.Tcp().Tell(new Tcp.Bind(Self, new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, port)));
protected override void OnReceive(object message)
if (message is Tcp.Bound bound)
Console.WriteLine("Listening on {0}", bound.LocalAddress);
else if (message is Tcp.Connected)
var connection = Context.ActorOf(Props.Create(() => new EchoConnection(Sender)));
Sender.Tell(new Tcp.Register(connection));
else Unhandled(message);
public class EchoConnection : UntypedActor
private readonly IActorRef _connection;
public EchoConnection(IActorRef connection)
_connection = connection;
protected override void OnReceive(object message)
if (message is Tcp.Received received)
if (received.Data[0] == 'x')
else Unhandled(message);