Cluster Client
An actor system that is not part of the cluster can communicate with actors somewhere in the cluster via this ClusterClient
. The client can of course be part of another cluster. It only needs to know the location of one (or more) nodes to use as initial contact points. It will establish a connection to a ClusterReceptionist somewhere in the cluster. It will monitor the connection to the receptionist and establish a new connection if the link goes down. When looking for a new receptionist it uses fresh contact points retrieved from previous establishment, or periodically refreshed contacts, i.e. not necessarily the initial contact points.
should not be used when sending messages to actors that run within the same cluster. Similar functionality as the ClusterClient
is provided in a more efficient way by Distributed Publish Subscribe in Cluster for actors that belong to the same cluster.
Also, note it's necessary to change from Akka.Actor.LocalActorRefProvider
to Akka.Remote.RemoteActorRefProvider
or Akka.Cluster.ClusterActorRefProvider
when using the cluster client. = "Akka.Cluster.ClusterActorRefProvider, Akka.Cluster"
or this shorthand notation = cluster
The receptionist is supposed to be started on all nodes, or all nodes with specified role, in the cluster. The receptionist can be started with the ClusterClientReceptionist
extension or as an ordinary actor.
You can send messages via the ClusterClient
to any actor in the cluster that is registered in the DistributedPubSubMediator
used by the ClusterReceptionist
. The ClusterClientReceptionist
provides methods for registration of actors that should be reachable from the client. Messages are wrapped in ClusterClient.Send
, ClusterClient.SendToAll
or ClusterClient.Publish
Both the ClusterClient
and the ClusterClientReceptionist
emit events that can be subscribed to. The ClusterClient
sends out notifications in relation to having received a list of contact points from the ClusterClientReceptionist
. One use of this list might be for the client to record its contact points. A client that is restarted could then use this information to supersede any previously configured contact points.
The ClusterClientReceptionist
sends out notifications in relation to having received contact from a ClusterClient
. This notification enables the server containing the receptionist to become aware of what clients are connected.
: The message will be delivered to one recipient with a matching path, if any such exists. If several entries match the path the message will be delivered to one random destination. TheSender
of the message can specify that local affinity is preferred, i.e. the message is sent to an actor in the same local actor system as the used receptionist actor, if any such exists, otherwise random to any other matching entry.ClusterClient.SendToAll
: The message will be delivered to all recipients with a matching path.ClusterClient.Publish
: The message will be delivered to all recipients Actors that have been registered as subscribers to the named topic.
Response messages from the destination actor are tunneled via the receptionist to avoid inbound connections from other cluster nodes to the client, i.e. the Sender
, as seen by the destination actor, is not the client itself. The Sender
of the response messages, as seen by the client, is deadLetters since the client should normally send subsequent messages via the ClusterClient
. It is possible to pass the original sender inside the reply messages if the client is supposed to communicate directly to the actor in the cluster.
While establishing a connection to a receptionist the ClusterClient
will buffer messages and send them when the connection is established. If the buffer is full the ClusterClient
will drop old messages when new messages are sent via the client. The size of the buffer is configurable and it can be disabled by using a buffer size of 0.
It's worth noting that messages can always be lost because of the distributed nature of these actors. As always, additional logic should be implemented in the destination (acknowledgement) and in the client (retry) actors to ensure at-least-once message delivery.
An Example
On the cluster nodes first start the receptionist. Note, it is recommended to load the extension when the actor system is started by defining it in the akka.extensions configuration property:
akka.extensions = ["Akka.Cluster.Tools.Client.ClusterClientReceptionistExtensionProvider, Akka.Cluster.Tools"]
Next, register the actors that should be available for the client.
RunOn(() =>
var serviceA = Sys.ActorOf(Props.Create<Service>(), "serviceA");
}, host1);
RunOn(() =>
var serviceB = Sys.ActorOf(Props.Create<Service>(), "serviceB");
}, host2, host3);
On the client you create the ClusterClient
actor and use it as a gateway for sending messages to the actors identified by their path (without address information) somewhere in the cluster.
RunOn(() =>
var c = Sys.ActorOf(Client.ClusterClient.Props(
ClusterClientSettings.Create(Sys).WithInitialContacts(initialContacts)), "client");
c.Tell(new Client.ClusterClient.Send("/user/serviceA", "hello", localAffinity: true));
c.Tell(new Client.ClusterClient.SendToAll("/user/serviceB", "hi"));
}, client);
The initialContacts
parameter is a IEnumerable<ActorPath>
, which can be created like this:
var initialContacts = new List<ActorPath>()
var settings = ClusterClientSettings.Create(Sys).WithInitialContacts(initialContacts);
You will probably define the address information of the initial contact points in configuration or system property. See also Configuration.
ClusterClientReceptionist Extension
In the example above the receptionist is started and accessed with the Akka.Cluster.Tools.Client.ClusterClientReceptionist
extension. That is convenient and perfectly fine in most cases, but it can be good to know that it is possible to start the akka.cluster.client.ClusterReceptionist
actor as an ordinary actor and you can have several different receptionists at the same time, serving different types of clients.
Note that the ClusterClientReceptionist
uses the DistributedPubSub
extension, which is described in Distributed Publish Subscribe in Cluster.
It is recommended to load the extension when the actor system is started by defining it in the akka.extensions configuration property:
akka.extensions = ["Akka.Cluster.Tools.Client.ClusterClientReceptionistExtensionProvider, Akka.Cluster.Tools"]
As mentioned earlier, both the ClusterClient
and ClusterClientReceptionist
emit events that can be subscribed to. The following code snippet declares an actor that will receive notifications on contact points (addresses to the available receptionists), as they become available. The code illustrates subscribing to the events and receiving the ClusterClient
initial state.
public class ClientListener : UntypedActor
private readonly IActorRef _targetClient;
public ClientListener(IActorRef targetClient)
_targetClient = targetClient;
protected override void OnReceive(object message)
protected override void PreStart()
public UntypedReceive ReceiveWithContactPoints(IImmutableSet<ActorPath> contactPoints)
return (message) =>
switch (message)
// Now do something with the up-to-date "cps"
case ContactPoints cp:
// Now do something with an up-to-date "contactPoints + cp"
case ContactPointAdded cpa:
// Now do something with an up-to-date "contactPoints - cp"
case ContactPointRemoved cpr:
Similarly we can have an actor that behaves in a similar fashion for learning what cluster clients contact a ClusterClientReceptionist
public class ReceptionistListener : UntypedActor
private readonly IActorRef _targetReceptionist;
public ReceptionistListener(IActorRef targetReceptionist)
_targetReceptionist = targetReceptionist;
protected override void OnReceive(object message)
protected override void PreStart()
public UntypedReceive ReceiveWithContactPoints(IImmutableSet<IActorRef> contactPoints)
return (message) =>
switch (message)
// Now do something with the up-to-date "c"
case ClusterClients cc:
// Now do something with an up-to-date "clusterClients + c"
case ClusterClientUp ccu:
// Now do something with an up-to-date "clusterClients - c"
case ClusterClientUnreachable ccun:
The ClusterClientReceptionist
extension (or ClusterReceptionistSettings
) can be configured with the following properties:
# Akka Cluster Tools Reference Config File #
# This is the reference config file that contains all the default settings.
# Make your edits/overrides in your application.conf.
# //#receptionist-ext-config
# Settings for the ClusterClientReceptionist extension
akka.cluster.client.receptionist {
# Actor name of the ClusterReceptionist actor, /system/receptionist
name = receptionist
# Start the receptionist on members tagged with this role.
# All members are used if undefined or empty.
role = ""
# The receptionist will send this number of contact points to the client
number-of-contacts = 3
# The actor that tunnel response messages to the client will be stopped
# after this time of inactivity.
response-tunnel-receive-timeout = 30s
# The id of the dispatcher to use for ClusterReceptionist actors.
# If not specified, the internal dispatcher is used.
# If specified you need to define the settings of the actual dispatcher.
use-dispatcher = ""
# How often failure detection heartbeat messages should be received for
# each ClusterClient
heartbeat-interval = 2s
# Number of potentially lost/delayed heartbeats that will be
# accepted before considering it to be an anomaly.
# The ClusterReceptionist is using the akka.remote.DeadlineFailureDetector, which
# will trigger if there are no heartbeats within the duration
# heartbeat-interval + acceptable-heartbeat-pause, i.e. 15 seconds with
# the default settings.
acceptable-heartbeat-pause = 13s
# Failure detection checking interval for checking all ClusterClients
failure-detection-interval = 2s
# //#receptionist-ext-config
# //#cluster-client-config
# Settings for the ClusterClient
akka.cluster.client {
# Actor paths of the ClusterReceptionist actors on the servers (cluster nodes)
# that the client will try to contact initially. It is mandatory to specify
# at least one initial contact.
# Comma separated full actor paths defined by a string on the form of
# "akka.tcp://system@hostname:port/system/receptionist"
initial-contacts = []
# Interval at which the client retries to establish contact with one of
# ClusterReceptionist on the servers (cluster nodes)
establishing-get-contacts-interval = 3s
# Interval at which the client will ask the ClusterReceptionist for
# new contact points to be used for next reconnect.
refresh-contacts-interval = 60s
# How often failure detection heartbeat messages should be sent
heartbeat-interval = 2s
# Number of potentially lost/delayed heartbeats that will be
# accepted before considering it to be an anomaly.
# The ClusterClient is using the akka.remote.DeadlineFailureDetector, which
# will trigger if there are no heartbeats within the duration
# heartbeat-interval + acceptable-heartbeat-pause, i.e. 15 seconds with
# the default settings.
acceptable-heartbeat-pause = 13s
# If connection to the receptionist is not established the client will buffer
# this number of messages and deliver them the connection is established.
# When the buffer is full old messages will be dropped when new messages are sent
# via the client. Use 0 to disable buffering, i.e. messages will be dropped
# immediately if the location of the singleton is unknown.
# Maximum allowed buffer size is 10000.
buffer-size = 1000
# If connection to the receptionist is lost and the client has not been
# able to acquire a new connection for this long the client will stop itself.
# This duration makes it possible to watch the cluster client and react on a more permanent
# loss of connection with the cluster, for example by accessing some kind of
# service registry for an updated set of initial contacts to start a new cluster client with.
# If this is not wanted it can be set to "off" to disable the timeout and retry
# forever.
reconnect-timeout = off
# Turning this setting to off or false will cause the ClusterClient messages
# to be serialized using the ClusterClientMessageSerializer and not the default Object serializer.
use-legacy-serialization = on
use-initial-contacts-discovery = false
# The Akka.Discovery method that will be used to discover initial contacts from the target Akka cluster.
# * If this setting is set to null, empty, or <method>, the discovery method declared in
# `akka.discovery.method` HOCON path will be used.
# * If `akka.discovery.method` is also null, empty, or <method>, this will fall back to
# config-based discovery.
method = <method>
# The service name we're discovering. This setting is not optional, you NEED to fill this.
# For Akka.Discovery.KubernetesApi, this is a combination of `pod-label-selector` and this setting.
# For Akka.Discovery.Azure, this must match the `` setting
# and Akka.Discovery.Azure must also be running on the ClusterClientReceptionist nodes.
service-name = null
# The Akka.Management port name, usually used in conjunction with Akka.Discovery.KubernetesApi
port-name = null
# The number of initial contacts will be trimmed down to this number of contact points to the client
number-of-contacts = 3
# Interval at which service discovery will be polled in search for new initial contacts
# Note that actual timing of lookups will be the following:
# - perform initial lookup; interval is this base interval
# - await response within resolve-timeout (this can be larger than interval, which means
# interval effectively is resolveTimeout + interval, this has been specifically made so,
# to not hit discovery services with requests while the lookup is being serviced)
# * if failure happens apply backoff to interval (the backoff growth is exponential)
# - if no failure happened, and we receive a resolved list of services, we use them to retrieve a list of receptionist actor paths
# * if previously failures happened during discovery, a successful lookup resets the interval to `interval` again
interval = 1s
# Adds "noise" to vary the intervals between retries slightly (0.2 means 20% of base value).
# This is important in order to avoid the various nodes performing lookups in the same interval,
# potentially causing a thundering herd effect. Usually there is no need to tweak this parameter.
exponential-backoff-random-factor = 0.2
# Maximum interval to which the exponential backoff is allowed to grow
exponential-backoff-max = 15s
# Timeout for getting a reply from the service-discovery subsystem
resolve-timeout = 3s
# Timeout for getting a reply from Akka.Management subsystem
probe-timeout = 3s
verbose-logging = false
# //#cluster-client-config
# Protobuf serializer for ClusterClient messages {
serializers {
akka-cluster-client = "Akka.Cluster.Tools.Client.Serialization.ClusterClientMessageSerializer, Akka.Cluster.Tools"
serialization-bindings {
"Akka.Cluster.Tools.Client.IClusterClientMessage, Akka.Cluster.Tools" = akka-cluster-client
"Akka.Cluster.Tools.Client.IClusterClientProtocolMessage, Akka.Cluster.Tools" = akka-cluster-client
serialization-identifiers {
"Akka.Cluster.Tools.Client.Serialization.ClusterClientMessageSerializer, Akka.Cluster.Tools" = 15
The 'akka.cluster.client' configuration properties are read by the ClusterClientSettings
when created with a ActorSystem
parameter. It is also possible to amend the ClusterClientSettings
or create it from another config section with the same layout in the reference config. ClusterClientSettings
is a parameter to the ClusterClient.Props()
factory method, i.e. each client can be configured with different settings if needed.
Failure Handling
When the cluster client is started it must be provided with a list of initial contacts which are cluster nodes where receptionists are running. It will then repeatedly (with an interval configurable by establishing-get-contacts-interval
) try to contact those until it gets in contact with one of them. While running, the list of contacts are continuously updated with data from the receptionists (again, with an interval configurable with refresh-contacts-interval
), so that if there are more receptionists in the cluster than the initial contacts provided to the client, the client will learn about them.
While the client is running it will detect failures in its connection to the receptionist by heartbeats if more than a configurable amount of heartbeats is missed the client will try to reconnect to its known set of contacts to find a receptionist it can access.
When the Cluster Cannot Be Reached at All
Watching ClusterClient Actor Termination
It is possible to make the cluster client stop entirely if it cannot find a receptionist it can talk to within a configurable interval. This is configured with the reconnect-timeout
, which defaults to off. This can be useful when initial contacts are provided from some kind of service registry, cluster node addresses are entirely dynamic and the entire cluster might shut down or crash, be restarted on new addresses. Since the client will be stopped in that case a monitoring actor can watch it and upon Terminate
a new set of initial contacts can be fetched and a new cluster client started.
Contact Auto-Discovery Using Akka.Discovery
This feature can only be used with:
- Akka.Management v1.5.27 or later.
- Akka.Cluster.Hosting v1.5.27 or later
- Akka.Cluster.Tools v1.5.27 or later
This feature is added in Akka.NET 1.5.27. Instead of watching for actor termination manually, you can leverage Akka.Discovery to discover cluster client contact points inside a dynamic environment such as Kubernetes, AWS, or anywhere else with Azure Table
Contact Auto-Discovery Setup Using Akka.Hosting
Cluster client discovery API has been added in Akka.Cluster.Hosting
v1.5.27. You can use the .WithClusterClientDiscovery()
extension method to use the cluster client initial contact auto discovery feature.
Example: Setting Up Contact Auto-Discovery With Akka.Discovery.KubernetesApi
On your cluster client node side, these are the code you'll need to implement:
services.AddAkka("ClusterClientSys", (builder, provider) => {
// This code sets up ClusterClient that works using Akka.Discovery
.WithClusterClientDiscovery<MyClusterClientActorKey>(options => {
// This is the Discovery plugin that will be used with ClusterClientDiscovery.
options.DiscoveryOptions = new KubernetesDiscoveryOptions {
// This signals Akka.Hosting that this plugin **should not** be used for ClusterBootstrap
IsDefaultPlugin = false,
// The ConfigPath property has to be different than the default discovery ConfigPath.
// The actual name does not matter, but it has to be different than the default name "kubernetes-api"
ConfigPath = "kubernetes-api-cluster-client",
// The PodLabelSelector property has to be different than the default k8s discovery
// PodLabelSelector, which defaults to "app={0}". The "{0}" is important because
// it will be used inside a String.Format()
PodLabelSelector = "discovery={0}";
// This has to match the Kubernetes metadata label that we'll set in YAML
options.ServiceName = "initial-contact";
// his has to match the Kubernetes port name for the Akka.Management port
options.PortName = "management";
On the YAML side, you will need to change the Receptionist YAML and add a new metadata label to tag the pods:
# Note that "discovery" matches the `PodLabelSelector` in `.WithClusterClientDiscovery()`
# Note that "initial-contact" matches the `ServiceName` in `.WithClusterClientDiscovery()`
discovery: initial-contact
If you're not using ClusterBootstrap on the Receptionist side, you have to start Akka.Management. Skip this step if you're using ClusterBootstrap:
services.AddAkka("ReceptionistSys", (builder, provider) => {
builder.AddStartup(async (system, registry) => {
await AkkaManagement.Get(system).Start();
Example: Setting Up Contact Auto-Discovery With Akka.Discovery.Azure
On your cluster client node side, these are the code you'll need to implement:
services.AddAkka("ClusterClientSys", (builder, provider) => {
// This code sets up ClusterClient that works using Akka.Discovery
.WithClusterClientDiscovery<MyClusterClientActorKey>(options => {
// This is the Discovery plugin that will be used with ClusterClientDiscovery.
options.DiscoveryOptions = new AkkaDiscoveryOptions {
// This signals Akka.Hosting that this plugin **should not** be used for ClusterBootstrap
IsDefaultPlugin = false,
// The ConfigPath property has to be different than the default discovery ConfigPath.
// The actual name does not matter, but it has to be different than the default name "azure"
ConfigPath = "azure-cluster-client",
// This discovery plugin **should not** participate in updating the Azure cluster member table
ReadOnly = true,
// All service names for cluster client discovery should be the same.
// If you're also using ClusterBootstrap, make sure that this name does not collide.
ServiceName = "cluster-client",
// All table names for cluster client discovery should be the same.
// If you're also using ClusterBootstrap, make sure that this table name does not collide.
TableName = "akkaclusterreceptionists",
// This has to match the name we set inside the discovery options
options.ServiceName = "cluster-client";
// If you're not using ClusterBootstrap in the cluster client side, you will need to add
// these code
.AddStartup(async (system, registry) => {
await AkkaManagement.Get(system).Start();
On the cluster client receptionist side, you will need to implement these code:
services.AddAkka("ReceptionistSys", (builder, provider) => {
// This is the Discovery plugin that will be used with ClusterClientDiscovery.
.WithAzureDiscovery(options => {
// This signals Akka.Hosting that this plugin **should not** be used for ClusterBootstrap
options.IsDefaultPlugin = false,
// The ConfigPath property has to be different than the default discovery ConfigPath.
// The actual name does not matter, but it has to be different than the default name "azure"
options.ConfigPath = "azure-cluster-client",
// All service names for cluster client discovery should be the same.
// If you're also using ClusterBootstrap, make sure that this name does not collide.
options.ServiceName = "cluster-client",
// All table names for cluster client discovery should be the same.
// If you're also using ClusterBootstrap, make sure that this table name does not collide.
options.TableName = "akkaclusterreceptionists",
// If you're not using ClusterBootstrap in the cluster client side, you will need to add
// these code
.AddStartup(async (system, registry) => {
await AkkaManagement.Get(system).Start();
Contact Auto-Discovery Setup Using Hocon Configuration
The HOCON configuration to set these are:
use-initial-contacts-discovery = false
method = <method>
actor-system-name = null
receptionist-name = receptionist
service-name = null
port-name = null
discovery-retry-interval = 1s
discovery-timeout = 60s
To enable contact auto-discovery, you will need to:
- Set
to true. - Set
that matches the service name of the Akka.Discovery extension that you used:- For Akka.Discovery.KubernetesApi, this is the
HOCON setting or theKubernetesDiscoveryOptions.PodLabelSelector
options property. - For Akka.Discovery.AwsApi, this is
- EC2: the
HOCON setting or the Akka.HostingEc2ServiceDiscoveryOptions.TagKey
options property. - ECS: the
HOCON setting or the Akka.HostingEcsServiceDiscoveryOptions.Tags
options property.
- EC2: the
- For Akka.Discovery.Azure, this is the
HOCON setting or theAkkaDiscoveryOptions.ServiceName
options property.
- For Akka.Discovery.KubernetesApi, this is the
- Set
to a valid discovery method name listed underakka.discovery
. - Set
to the target cluster ActorSystem name. - OPTIONAL. Set
if the discovery extension that you're using depends on port names. - OPTIONAL. Set
if you're using a non-default receptionist name.
Using Akka.Discovery For Both Akka.Cluster.Tools.Client And Akka.Management.Cluster.Bootstrap
If you need to use Akka.Discovery with both ClusterClient AND ClusterBootstrap, you will have to make sure that you have TWO different Akka.Discovery settings living side-by-side under the akka.discovery
HOCON setting section.
Akka.Discovery.KubernetesApi Example
In your YAML file:
Make sure that you tag the instances that will run the cluster client receptionists with an extra tag. If your ClusterBootstrap is tagged with the YAML value cluster
, then you will need to add another tag to the instances that runs the Receptionists, cluster-client
like so:metadata: labels: app: cluster contact: cluster-client
Make sure you name the Akka.Management port
spec: template: spec: containers: ports: - containerPort: 8558 # This is the remoting port, change this to match yours protocol: TCP name: management # this is important
In your cluster client Akka.NET node HOCON settings:
- Copy the
HOCON section and paste it above or under the original settings. You can also copy the value from here - Rename the HOCON section to
. The key name does not matter, what matters is that the name does not collide with any other setting section name underakka.discovery
. - Make sure you change
to "contact={0}" to match what we have in the YAML file. - Make sure you change
to "cluster-client" to match what we have in the YAML file. - Make sure you change
value to "management" to match what we have in the YAML file. - Keep the
HOCON value to "kubernetes-api", this is the discovery extension that will be used by ClusterBootstrap. - Change the
value from "<method>" to "kubernetes-api-cluster-client", this is the discovery extension that will be used by ClusterClient. If not set, this will default to the value set inakka.discovery.method
, which is NOT what we want.
Akka.Discovery.Azure Example
In your cluster receptionist Akka.NET node HOCON settings:
- Copy the
HOCON section and paste it above or under the original settings. You can also copy the value from here - Rename the HOCON section to
. The key name does not matter, what matters is that the name does not collide with any other setting section name underakka.discovery
. - Change
to the management port of the Akka.NET node. - Change
to "cluster-client". The name does not matter, what matters is that this name HAS to match the service name we'll be using inakka.cluster.client.discovery.service-name
. - [OPTIONAL] change
to separate the discovery table from ClusterBootstrap entries. Make sure that you start the discovery extension in the receptionist side. This needs to be done because the extension is responsible for updating the Azure table.
In your cluster client Akka.NET node HOCON settings:
- If you're USING ClusterBootstrap in the cluster client side:
- You WILL NEED to perform the same HOCON configuration cloning process above.
- Make sure you change
to "cluster-client" to match what we have in the receptionist node HOCON file. - You WILL NEED to keep the
HOCON value to "azure", this is the discovery extension that will be used by ClusterBootstrap. - Change the
value from "<method>" to "azure-cluster-client", this is the discovery extension that will be used by ClusterClient. If not set, this will default to the value set inakka.discovery.method
, which is NOT what we want. - [OPTIONAL] IF you opt to change the table name in the receptionist side, you WILL NEED to change
to match the table name with the receptionist side, it wasakkaclusterreceptionists
in our example above
- If you're NOT USING ClusterBootstrap in the cluster client side:
- You DO NOT NEED to perform the HOCON configuration cloning process as you're not using ClusterBootstrap.
- Make sure you change
to "cluster-client" to match what we have in the receptionist node HOCON file. - You can keep the
HOCON value to "azure". - You can change the
value from "<method>" to "azure", this is the discovery extension that will be used by ClusterClient. If not set, this will default to the value set inakka.discovery.method
, which will be the same. - [OPTIONAL] IF you opt to change the table name in the receptionist side, you WILL NEED to change
to match the table name with the receptionist side, it wasakkaclusterreceptionists
in our example above.