Akka Configuration
Below is the default HOCON configuration for the base Akka
# Akka Actor Reference Config File #
# This is the reference config file that contains all the default settings.
# Make your edits/overrides in your application.conf.
akka {
# Akka version, checked against the runtime version of Akka.
version = "0.0.1 Akka"
# Home directory of Akka, modules in the deploy directory will be loaded
home = ""
# Loggers to register at boot time (akka.event.Logging$DefaultLogger logs
# to STDOUT)
loggers = ["Akka.Event.DefaultLogger"]
# Specifies the default loggers dispatcher
loggers-dispatcher = "akka.actor.default-dispatcher"
# Loggers are created and registered synchronously during ActorSystem
# start-up, and since they are actors, this timeout is used to bound the
# waiting time
logger-startup-timeout = 5s
# You can enable asynchronous loggers creation by setting this to `true`.
# This may be useful in cases when ActorSystem creation takes more time
# then it should, or for whatever other reason
logger-async-start = false
# Specifies the formatter used to format log messages. Can be customized
# to use a different logging implementation, such as Serilog.
logger-formatter = "Akka.Event.DefaultLogMessageFormatter, Akka"
# Log level used by the configured loggers (see "loggers") as soon
# as they have been started; before that, see "stdout-loglevel"
loglevel = "INFO"
# Suppresses warning about usage of the default (JSON.NET) serializer
# which is going to be obsoleted at v1.5
suppress-json-serializer-warning = on #disabled as of 1.3.2, given that the 1.5 timeframe is far out
# Log level for the very basic logger activated during AkkaApplication startup
stdout-loglevel = "WARNING"
# Fully qualified class name (FQCN) of the very basic logger used on startup and shutdown.
# You can substitute the logger by supplying an FQCN to a custom class that implements Akka.Event.MinimumLogger
# Set to null by default so the default logger is used.
stdout-logger-class = ""
# Log the complete configuration at INFO level when the actor system is started.
# This is useful when you are uncertain of what configuration is used.
log-config-on-start = off
# Log the serializer override notification at WARNING level when the actor system is started.
# This is useful if want to make a change of the default serializer(s) and suppress the warning
# that is created if the configuration is changed.
log-serializer-override-on-start = on
# Log at info level when messages are sent to dead letters, or published to
# eventStream as `DeadLetter`, `Dropped` or `UnhandledMessage`.
# Possible values:
# on: all dead letters are logged
# off: no logging of dead letters
# n: positive integer, number of dead letters that will be logged
log-dead-letters = 10
# Possibility to turn off logging of dead letters while the actor system
# is shutting down. Logging is only done when enabled by 'log-dead-letters'
# setting.
log-dead-letters-during-shutdown = off
# When log-dead-letters is enabled, this will re-enable the logging after configured duration.
# infinite: suspend the logging forever;
# or a duration (eg: 5 minutes), after which the logging will be re-enabled.
log-dead-letters-suspend-duration = 5 minutes
# List FQCN of extensions which shall be loaded at actor system startup.
# Should be on the format: 'extensions = ["foo", "bar"]' etc.
# See the Akka Documentation for more info about Extensions
extensions = []
# Toggles whether threads created by this ActorSystem should be daemons or not
daemonic = off
# JVM shutdown, System.exit(-1), in case of a fatal error,
# such as OutOfMemoryError
#jvm-exit-on-fatal-error = on
actor {
# FQCN of the ActorRefProvider to be used; the below is the built-in default,
# another one is akka.remote.RemoteActorRefProvider in the akka-remote bundle.
provider = "Akka.Actor.LocalActorRefProvider"
# The guardian "/user" will use this class to obtain its supervisorStrategy.
# It needs to be a subclass of Akka.Actor.SupervisorStrategyConfigurator.
# In addition to the default there is Akka.Actor.StoppingSupervisorStrategy.
guardian-supervisor-strategy = "Akka.Actor.DefaultSupervisorStrategy"
# Timeout for ActorSystem.actorOf
creation-timeout = 20s
# Frequency with which stopping actors are prodded in case they had to be
# removed from their parents
reaper-interval = 5
# Serializes and deserializes (non-primitive) messages to ensure immutability,
# this is only intended for testing.
serialize-messages = off
# Serializes and deserializes creators (in Props) to ensure that they can be
# sent over the network, this is only intended for testing. Purely local deployments
# as marked with deploy.scope == LocalScope are exempt from verification.
serialize-creators = off
# Timeout for send operations to top-level actors which are in the process
# of being started. This is only relevant if using a bounded mailbox or the
# CallingThreadDispatcher for a top-level actor.
unstarted-push-timeout = 10s
# Default timeout for IActorRef.Ask.
ask-timeout = infinite
# Controls telemetry settings built into Akka.NET
# Enables telemetry emission from actors - actors will emit events
# whenever they are started, stopped, or restarted.
enabled = false
typed {
# Default timeout for typed actor methods with non-void return type
timeout = 5
inbox {
inbox-size = 1000,
default-timeout = 5s
# Mapping between ´deployment.router' short names to fully qualified class names
router.type-mapping {
from-code = "Akka.Routing.NoRouter"
round-robin-pool = "Akka.Routing.RoundRobinPool"
round-robin-group = "Akka.Routing.RoundRobinGroup"
random-pool = "Akka.Routing.RandomPool"
random-group = "Akka.Routing.RandomGroup"
smallest-mailbox-pool = "Akka.Routing.SmallestMailboxPool"
broadcast-pool = "Akka.Routing.BroadcastPool"
broadcast-group = "Akka.Routing.BroadcastGroup"
scatter-gather-pool = "Akka.Routing.ScatterGatherFirstCompletedPool"
scatter-gather-group = "Akka.Routing.ScatterGatherFirstCompletedGroup"
consistent-hashing-pool = "Akka.Routing.ConsistentHashingPool"
consistent-hashing-group = "Akka.Routing.ConsistentHashingGroup"
tail-chopping-pool = "Akka.Routing.TailChoppingPool"
tail-chopping-group = "Akka.Routing.TailChoppingGroup"
# Provide routing of messages based on cluster metrics.
# Akka.Cluster.Metrics needs to be installed to use these extensions
cluster-metrics-adaptive-pool = "Akka.Cluster.Metrics.AdaptiveLoadBalancingPool, Akka.Cluster.Metrics"
cluster-metrics-adaptive-group = "Akka.Cluster.Metrics.AdaptiveLoadBalancingGroup, Akka.Cluster.Metrics"
deployment {
# deployment id pattern - on the format: /parent/child etc.
default {
# The id of the dispatcher to use for this actor.
# If undefined or empty the dispatcher specified in code
# (Props.withDispatcher) is used, or default-dispatcher if not
# specified at all.
dispatcher = ""
# The id of the mailbox to use for this actor.
# If undefined or empty the default mailbox of the configured dispatcher
# is used or if there is no mailbox configuration the mailbox specified
# in code (Props.withMailbox) is used.
# If there is a mailbox defined in the configured dispatcher then that
# overrides this setting.
mailbox = ""
# Specifies the stash capacity for an individual actor, when stashing is enabled.
# A default value of -1 is used to signify that this should be an _unbounded_ stash,
# which has no upper limit on storage capacity.
stash-capacity = -1
# routing (load-balance) scheme to use
# - available: "from-code", "round-robin", "random", "smallest-mailbox",
# "scatter-gather", "broadcast"
# - or: Fully qualified class name of the router class.
# The class must extend akka.routing.CustomRouterConfig and
# have a public constructor with com.typesafe.config.Config
# and optional akka.actor.DynamicAccess parameter.
# - default is "from-code";
# Whether or not an actor is transformed to a Router is decided in code
# only (Props.withRouter). The type of router can be overridden in the
# configuration; specifying "from-code" means that the values specified
# in the code shall be used.
# In case of routing, the actors to be routed to can be specified
# in several ways:
# - nr-of-instances: will create that many children
# - routees.paths: will route messages to these paths using ActorSelection,
# i.e. will not create children
# - resizer: dynamically resizable number of routees as specified in
# resizer below
router = "from-code"
# number of children to create in case of a router;
# this setting is ignored if routees.paths is given
nr-of-instances = 1
# within is the timeout used for routers containing future calls
within = 5 s
# number of virtual nodes per node for consistent-hashing router
virtual-nodes-factor = 10
routees {
# Alternatively to giving nr-of-instances you can specify the full
# paths of those actors which should be routed to. This setting takes
# precedence over nr-of-instances
paths = []
# To use a dedicated dispatcher for the routees of the pool you can
# define the dispatcher configuration inline with the property name
# 'pool-dispatcher' in the deployment section of the router.
# For example:
# pool-dispatcher {
# fork-join-executor.parallelism-min = 5
# fork-join-executor.parallelism-max = 5
# }
# Routers with dynamically resizable number of routees; this feature is
# enabled by including (parts of) this section in the deployment
resizer {
enabled = off
# The fewest number of routees the router should ever have.
lower-bound = 1
# The most number of routees the router should ever have.
# Must be greater than or equal to lower-bound.
upper-bound = 10
# Threshold used to evaluate if a routee is considered to be busy
# (under pressure). Implementation depends on this value (default is 1).
# 0: number of routees currently processing a message.
# 1: number of routees currently processing a message has
# some messages in mailbox.
# > 1: number of routees with at least the configured pressure-threshold
# messages in their mailbox. Note that estimating mailbox size of
# default UnboundedMailbox is O(N) operation.
pressure-threshold = 1
# Percentage to increase capacity whenever all routees are busy.
# For example, 0.2 would increase 20% (rounded up), i.e. if current
# capacity is 6 it will request an increase of 2 more routees.
rampup-rate = 0.2
# Minimum fraction of busy routees before backing off.
# For example, if this is 0.3, then we'll remove some routees only when
# less than 30% of routees are busy, i.e. if current capacity is 10 and
# 3 are busy then the capacity is unchanged, but if 2 or less are busy
# the capacity is decreased.
# Use 0.0 or negative to avoid removal of routees.
backoff-threshold = 0.3
# Fraction of routees to be removed when the resizer reaches the
# backoffThreshold.
# For example, 0.1 would decrease 10% (rounded up), i.e. if current
# capacity is 9 it will request an decrease of 1 routee.
backoff-rate = 0.1
# Number of messages between resize operation.
# Use 1 to resize before each message.
messages-per-resize = 10
#used for GUI applications
synchronized-dispatcher {
type = "SynchronizedDispatcher"
executor = "current-context-executor"
throughput = 10
task-dispatcher {
type = "TaskDispatcher"
executor = "task-executor"
throughput = 30
type = ForkJoinDispatcher
executor = fork-join-executor
throughput = 30
dedicated-thread-pool{ #settings for Helios.DedicatedThreadPool
thread-count = 3 #number of threads
#deadlock-timeout = 3s #optional timeout for deadlock detection
threadtype = background #values can be "background" or "foreground"
default-dispatcher {
# Must be one of the following
# Dispatcher, PinnedDispatcher, or a FQCN to a class inheriting
# MessageDispatcherConfigurator with a public constructor with
# both com.typesafe.config.Config parameter and
# akka.dispatch.DispatcherPrerequisites parameters.
# PinnedDispatcher must be used together with executor=fork-join-executor.
type = "Dispatcher"
# Which kind of ExecutorService to use for this dispatcher
# Valid options:
# - "default-executor" requires a "default-executor" section
# - "fork-join-executor" requires a "fork-join-executor" section
# - "thread-pool-executor" requires a "thread-pool-executor" section
# - "current-context-executor" requires a "current-context-executor" section
# - "task-executor" requires a "task-executor" section
# - A FQCN of a class extending ExecutorServiceConfigurator
executor = "default-executor"
# This will be used if you have set "executor = "default-executor"".
# Uses the default .NET threadpool
default-executor {
# Same as default executor
# This will be used if you have set "executor = "fork-join-executor""
# Underlying thread pool implementation is scala.concurrent.forkjoin.ForkJoinPool
fork-join-executor {
# Min number of threads to cap factor-based parallelism number to
parallelism-min = 8
# The parallelism factor is used to determine thread pool size using the
# following formula: ceil(available processors * factor). Resulting size
# is then bounded by the parallelism-min and parallelism-max values.
parallelism-factor = 1.0
# Max number of threads to cap factor-based parallelism number to
parallelism-max = 64
# Setting to "FIFO" to use queue like peeking mode which "poll" or "LIFO" to use stack
# like peeking mode which "pop".
task-peeking-mode = "FIFO"
# For running in current synchronization contexts
# How long time the dispatcher will wait for new actors until it shuts down
shutdown-timeout = 1s
# Throughput defines the number of messages that are processed in a batch
# before the thread is returned to the pool. Set to 1 for as fair as possible.
throughput = 30
# Throughput deadline for Dispatcher, set to 0 or negative for no deadline
throughput-deadline-time = 0ms
# For BalancingDispatcher: If the balancing dispatcher should attempt to
# schedule idle actors using the same dispatcher when a message comes in,
# and the dispatchers ExecutorService is not fully busy already.
attempt-teamwork = on
# If this dispatcher requires a specific type of mailbox, specify the
# fully-qualified class name here; the actually created mailbox will
# be a subtype of this type. The empty string signifies no requirement.
mailbox-requirement = ""
# Default separate internal dispatcher to run Akka internal tasks and actors on
# protecting them against starvation because of accidental blocking in user actors (which run on the
# default dispatcher)
internal-dispatcher {
type = "Dispatcher"
executor = "default-executor"
throughput = 5
fork-join-executor {
parallelism-min = 4
parallelism-factor = 1.0
parallelism-max = 64
channel-executor.priority = "high"
default-blocking-io-dispatcher {
type = "Dispatcher"
executor = "default-executor"
throughput = 1
# Akka.NET does not have a fine grained control over thread pool executor
# thread-pool-executor {
# core-pool-size-min = 2
# core-pool-size-factor = 2.0
# core-pool-size-max = 16
# }
default-mailbox {
# FQCN of the MailboxType. The Class of the FQCN must have a public
# constructor with
# (akka.actor.ActorSystem.Settings, com.typesafe.config.Config) parameters.
mailbox-type = "Akka.Dispatch.UnboundedMailbox"
# If the mailbox is bounded then it uses this setting to determine its
# capacity. The provided value must be positive.
# Up to version 2.1 the mailbox type was determined based on this setting;
# this is no longer the case, the type must explicitly be a bounded mailbox.
mailbox-capacity = 1000
# If the mailbox is bounded then this is the timeout for enqueueing
# in case the mailbox is full. Negative values signify infinite
# timeout, which should be avoided as it bears the risk of dead-lock.
mailbox-push-timeout-time = 10s
# For Actor with Stash: The default capacity of the stash.
# If negative (or zero) then an unbounded stash is used (default)
# If positive then a bounded stash is used and the capacity is set using
# the property
stash-capacity = -1
mailbox {
# Mapping between message queue semantics and mailbox configurations.
# Used by akka.dispatch.RequiresMessageQueue[T] to enforce different
# mailbox types on actors.
# If your Actor implements RequiresMessageQueue[T], then when you create
# an instance of that actor its mailbox type will be decided by looking
# up a mailbox configuration via T in this mapping
requirements {
"Akka.Dispatch.IUnboundedMessageQueueSemantics" = akka.actor.mailbox.unbounded-queue-based
"Akka.Dispatch.IBoundedMessageQueueSemantics" = akka.actor.mailbox.bounded-queue-based
"Akka.Dispatch.IDequeBasedMessageQueueSemantics" = akka.actor.mailbox.unbounded-deque-based
"Akka.Dispatch.IUnboundedDequeBasedMessageQueueSemantics" = akka.actor.mailbox.unbounded-deque-based
"Akka.Dispatch.IBoundedDequeBasedMessageQueueSemantics" = akka.actor.mailbox.bounded-deque-based
"Akka.Dispatch.IMultipleConsumerSemantics" = akka.actor.mailbox.unbounded-queue-based
"Akka.Event.ILoggerMessageQueueSemantics" = akka.actor.mailbox.logger-queue
unbounded-queue-based {
# FQCN of the MailboxType, The Class of the FQCN must have a public
# constructor with (akka.actor.ActorSystem.Settings,
# com.typesafe.config.Config) parameters.
mailbox-type = "Akka.Dispatch.UnboundedMailbox"
bounded-queue-based {
# FQCN of the MailboxType, The Class of the FQCN must have a public
# constructor with (akka.actor.ActorSystem.Settings,
# com.typesafe.config.Config) parameters.
mailbox-type = "Akka.Dispatch.BoundedMailbox"
unbounded-deque-based {
# FQCN of the MailboxType, The Class of the FQCN must have a public
# constructor with (akka.actor.ActorSystem.Settings,
# com.typesafe.config.Config) parameters.
mailbox-type = "Akka.Dispatch.UnboundedDequeBasedMailbox"
bounded-deque-based {
# FQCN of the MailboxType, The Class of the FQCN must have a public
# constructor with (akka.actor.ActorSystem.Settings,
# com.typesafe.config.Config) parameters.
mailbox-type = "Akka.Dispatch.BoundedDequeBasedMailbox"
# The LoggerMailbox will drain all messages in the mailbox
# when the system is shutdown and deliver them to the StandardOutLogger.
# Do not change this unless you know what you are doing.
logger-queue {
mailbox-type = "Akka.Event.LoggerMailboxType"
debug {
# enable function of Actor.loggable(), which is to log any received message
# at DEBUG level, see the “Testing Actor Systems” section of the Akka
# Documentation at http://akka.io/docs
receive = off
# enable DEBUG logging of all AutoReceiveMessages (Kill, PoisonPill et.c.)
autoreceive = off
# enable DEBUG logging of actor lifecycle changes
lifecycle = off
# enable DEBUG logging of all LoggingFSMs for events, transitions and timers
fsm = off
# enable DEBUG logging of subscription changes on the eventStream
event-stream = off
# enable DEBUG logging of unhandled messages
unhandled = off
# enable WARN logging of misconfigured routers
router-misconfiguration = off
# enable TimerScheduler debug logging
log-timers = false
# Entries for pluggable serializers and their bindings.
serializers {
json = "Akka.Serialization.NewtonSoftJsonSerializer, Akka"
bytes = "Akka.Serialization.ByteArraySerializer, Akka"
# Class to Serializer binding. You only need to specify the name of an
# interface or abstract base class of the messages. In case of ambiguity it
# is using the most specific configured class, or giving a warning and
# choosing the “first” one.
# To disable one of the default serializers, assign its class to "none", like
# "java.io.Serializable" = none
serialization-bindings {
"System.Byte[]" = bytes
"System.Object" = json
# Configuration namespace of serialization identifiers.
# Each serializer implementation must have an entry in the following format:
# `akka.actor.serialization-identifiers."FQCN" = ID`
# where `FQCN` is fully qualified class name of the serializer implementation
# and `ID` is globally unique serializer identifier number.
# Identifier values from 0 to 40 are reserved for Akka internal usage.
serialization-identifiers {
"Akka.Serialization.ByteArraySerializer, Akka" = 4
"Akka.Serialization.NewtonSoftJsonSerializer, Akka" = 1
# extra settings that can be custom to a serializer implementation
serialization-settings {
json {
# Used to set whether to use stringbuilders from a pool
# In memory constrained conditions (i.e. IOT)
# You may wish to turn this off
use-pooled-string-builder = true
# The starting size of stringbuilders created in pool
# if use-pooled-string-builder is true.
# You may wish to adjust this number,
# For example if you are confident your messages are smaller or larger
pooled-string-builder-minsize = 2048
# The maximum retained size of a pooled stringbuilder
# if use-pooled-string-builder is true.
# You may wish to turn this number up if your messages are larger
# But do keep in mind that strings in .NET are UTF-16,
# So after ~42k characters you might wind up
# on the Large Object Heap (which may not be a bad thing...)
pooled-string-builder-maxsize = 32768
channel-scheduler {
parallelism-min = 4 #same as for ForkJoinDispatcher
parallelism-factor = 1 #same as for ForkJoinDispatcher
parallelism-max = 64 #same as for ForkJoinDispatcher
work-max = 10 #max executed work items in sequence until priority loop
work-interval = 500 #time target of executed work items in ms
work-step = 2 #target work item count in interval / burst
# Used to set the behavior of the scheduler.
# Changing the default values may change the system behavior drastically so make
# sure you know what you're doing! See the Scheduler section of the Akka
# Documentation for more details.
scheduler {
# The LightArrayRevolverScheduler is used as the default scheduler in the
# system. It does not execute the scheduled tasks on exact time, but on every
# tick, it will run everything that is (over)due. You can increase or decrease
# the accuracy of the execution timing by specifying smaller or larger tick
# duration. If you are scheduling a lot of tasks you should consider increasing
# the ticks per wheel.
# Note that it might take up to 1 tick to stop the Timer, so setting the
# tick-duration to a high value will make shutting down the actor system
# take longer.
tick-duration = 10ms
# The timer uses a circular wheel of buckets to store the timer tasks.
# This should be set such that the majority of scheduled timeouts (for high
# scheduling frequency) will be shorter than one rotation of the wheel
# (ticks-per-wheel * ticks-duration)
ticks-per-wheel = 512
# This setting selects the timer implementation which shall be loaded at
# system start-up.
# The class given here must implement the akka.actor.Scheduler interface
# and offer a public constructor which takes three arguments:
# 1) com.typesafe.config.Config
# 2) akka.event.LoggingAdapter
# 3) java.util.concurrent.ThreadFactory
implementation = "Akka.Actor.HashedWheelTimerScheduler"
# When shutting down the scheduler, there will typically be a thread which
# needs to be stopped, and this timeout determines how long to wait for
# that to happen. In case of timeout the shutdown of the actor system will
# proceed without running possibly still enqueued tasks.
shutdown-timeout = 5s
reliable-delivery {
producer-controller {
# To avoid head of line blocking from serialization and transfer
# of large messages this can be enabled.
# Large messages are chunked into pieces of the given size in bytes. The
# chunked messages are sent separately and assembled on the consumer side.
# Serialization and deserialization is performed by the ProducerController and
# ConsumerController respectively instead of in the remote transport layer.
chunk-large-messages = off
durable-queue {
# The ProducerController uses this timeout for the requests to
# the durable queue. If there is no reply within the timeout it
# will be retried.
request-timeout = 3s
# The ProducerController retries requests to the durable queue this
# number of times before failing.
retry-attempts = 10
# The ProducerController retries sending the first message with this interval
# until it has been confirmed.
resend-first-interval = 1s
consumer-controller {
# Number of messages in flight between ProducerController and
# ConsumerController. The ConsumerController requests for more messages
# when half of the window has been used.
flow-control-window = 50
# The ConsumerController resends flow control messages to the
# ProducerController with the resend-interval-min, and increasing
# it gradually to resend-interval-max when idle.
resend-interval-min = 2s
resend-interval-max = 30s
# If this is enabled lost messages will not be resent, but flow control is used.
# This can be more efficient since messages don't have to be
# kept in memory in the `ProducerController` until they have been
# confirmed, but the drawback is that lost messages will not be delivered.
only-flow-control = false
work-pulling {
producer-controller = ${akka.reliable-delivery.producer-controller}
producer-controller {
# Limit of how many messages that can be buffered when there
# is no demand from the consumer side.
buffer-size = 1000
# Ask timeout for sending message to worker until receiving Ack from worker
internal-ask-timeout = 60s
# Chunked messages not implemented for work-pulling yet. Override to not
# propagate property from akka.reliable-delivery.producer-controller.
chunk-large-messages = off
io {
# By default the select loops run on dedicated threads, hence using a
# PinnedDispatcher
pinned-dispatcher {
type = "PinnedDispatcher"
executor = "fork-join-executor"
tcp {
# Implementation of `Akka.IO.Buffers.IBufferPool` interface. It
# allocates memory is so called segments. Each segment is then cut into
# buffers of equal size (see: `buffers-per-segment`). Those buffers are
# then lend to the requestor. They have to be released later on.
direct-buffer-pool {
# Class implementing `Akka.IO.Buffers.IBufferPool` interface, which
# will be created with this configuration.
class = "Akka.IO.Buffers.DirectBufferPool, Akka"
# Size of a single byte buffer in bytes.
buffer-size = 512
# Number of byte buffers per segment. Every segement is a single continuous
# byte array in memory. Once buffer pool will run out of byte buffers to
# lend it will allocate a next segment of memory.
# Each segments size is equal to `buffer-size` * `buffers-per-segment`.
buffers-per-segment = 500
# Number of segments to be created at extension start.
initial-segments = 1
# Maximum number of segments that can be created by this byte buffer pool
# instance. Once this limit will be reached, a next allocation attempt will
# cause `BufferPoolAllocationException` to be thrown.
buffer-pool-limit = 1024
# Default implementation of `Akka.IO.Buffers.IBufferPool` interface.
# Instead of maintaining allocated buffers and reusing them
# between different SocketAsyncEventArgs instances, it allocates new
# buffer each time when new socket connection is established.
disabled-buffer-pool {
# Class implementing `Akka.IO.Buffers.IBufferPool` interface, which
# will be created with this configuration.
class = "Akka.IO.Buffers.DisabledBufferPool, Akka"
# Size of a single byte buffer in bytes.
buffer-size = 512
# A buffer pool used to acquire and release byte buffers from the managed
# heap. Once byte buffer is no longer needed is can be released, landing
# on the pool again, to be reused later. This way we can reduce a GC pressure
# by reusing the same components instead of recycling them.
# NOTE: pooling is disabled by default, to enable use direct-buffer-pool:
# buffer-pool = "akka.io.tcp.direct-buffer-pool"
buffer-pool = "akka.io.tcp.disabled-buffer-pool"
# Maximum number of open channels supported by this TCP module; there is
# no intrinsic general limit, this setting is meant to enable DoS
# protection by limiting the number of concurrently connected clients.
# Also note that this is a "soft" limit; in certain cases the implementation
# will accept a few connections more or a few less than the number configured
# here. Must be an integer > 0 or "unlimited".
max-channels = 256000
# When trying to assign a new connection to a selector and the chosen
# selector is at full capacity, retry selector choosing and assignment
# this many times before giving up
selector-association-retries = 10
# The maximum number of connection that are accepted in one go,
# higher numbers decrease latency, lower numbers increase fairness on
# the worker-dispatcher
batch-accept-limit = 10
# The duration a connection actor waits for a `Register` message from
# its commander before aborting the connection.
register-timeout = 5s
# The maximum number of bytes delivered by a `Received` message. Before
# more data is read from the network the connection actor will try to
# do other work.
# The purpose of this setting is to impose a smaller limit than the
# configured receive buffer size. When using value 'unlimited' it will
# try to read all from the receive buffer.
max-received-message-size = unlimited
# Enable fine grained logging of what goes on inside the implementation.
# Be aware that this may log more than once per message sent to the actors
# of the tcp implementation.
trace-logging = off
# Fully qualified config path which holds the dispatcher configuration
# to be used for running the select() calls in the selectors
selector-dispatcher = "akka.io.pinned-dispatcher"
# Fully qualified config path which holds the dispatcher configuration
# for the read/write worker actors
worker-dispatcher = "akka.actor.internal-dispatcher"
# Fully qualified config path which holds the dispatcher configuration
# for the selector management actors
management-dispatcher = "akka.actor.internal-dispatcher"
# Fully qualified config path which holds the dispatcher configuration
# on which file IO tasks are scheduled
file-io-dispatcher = "akka.actor.default-blocking-io-dispatcher"
# The maximum number of bytes (or "unlimited") to transfer in one batch
# when using `WriteFile` command which uses `FileChannel.transferTo` to
# pipe files to a TCP socket. On some OS like Linux `FileChannel.transferTo`
# may block for a long time when network IO is faster than file IO.
# Decreasing the value may improve fairness while increasing may improve
# throughput.
file-io-transferTo-limit = 524288 # 512 KiB
# The number of times to retry the `finishConnect` call after being notified about
# OP_CONNECT. Retries are needed if the OP_CONNECT notification doesn't imply that
# `finishConnect` will succeed, which is the case on Android.
finish-connect-retries = 5
# On Windows connection aborts are not reliably detected unless an OP_READ is
# registered on the selector _after_ the connection has been reset. This
# workaround enables an OP_CONNECT which forces the abort to be visible on Windows.
# Enabling this setting on other platforms than Windows will cause various failures
# and undefined behavior.
# Possible values of this key are on, off and auto where auto will enable the
# workaround if Windows is detected automatically.
windows-connection-abort-workaround-enabled = off
# Enforce outgoing socket connection to use IPv4 address family. Required in
# scenario when IPv6 is not available, for example in Azure Web App sandbox.
# When set to true it is required to set akka.io.dns.inet-address.use-ipv6 to false
# in cases when DnsEndPoint is used to describe the remote address
outgoing-socket-force-ipv4 = false
udp {
# Default implementation of `Akka.IO.Buffers.IBufferPool` interface. It
# allocates memory is so called segments. Each segment is then cut into
# buffers of equal size (see: `buffers-per-segment`). Those buffers are
# then lend to the requestor. They have to be released later on.
direct-buffer-pool {
# Class implementing `Akka.IO.Buffers.IBufferPool` interface, which
# will be created with this configuration.
class = "Akka.IO.Buffers.DirectBufferPool, Akka"
# Size of a single byte buffer in bytes.
buffer-size = 512
# Number of byte buffers per segment. Every segement is a single continuous
# byte array in memory. Once buffer pool will run out of byte buffers to
# lend it will allocate a next segment of memory.
# Each segments size is equal to `buffer-size` * `buffers-per-segment`.
buffers-per-segment = 500
# Number of segments to be created at extension start.
initial-segments = 1
# Maximum number of segments that can be created by this byte buffer pool
# instance. Once this limit will be reached, a next allocation attempt will
# cause `BufferPoolAllocationException` to be thrown.
buffer-pool-limit = 1024
# Default implementation of `Akka.IO.Buffers.IBufferPool` interface.
# Instead of maintaining allocated buffers and reusing them
# between different SocketAsyncEventArgs instances, it allocates new
# buffer each time when new socket connection is established.
disabled-buffer-pool {
# Class implementing `Akka.IO.Buffers.IBufferPool` interface, which
# will be created with this configuration.
class = "Akka.IO.Buffers.DisabledBufferPool, Akka"
# Size of a single byte buffer in bytes.
buffer-size = 512
# A buffer pool used to acquire and release byte buffers from the managed
# heap. Once byte buffer is no longer needed is can be released, landing
# on the pool again, to be reused later. This way we can reduce a GC pressure
# by reusing the same components instead of recycling them.
# NOTE: pooling is disabled by default, to enable use direct-buffer-pool:
# buffer-pool = "akka.io.udp.direct-buffer-pool"
buffer-pool = "akka.io.udp.disabled-buffer-pool"
# The number of selectors to stripe the served channels over; each of
# these will use one select loop on the selector-dispatcher.
nr-of-socket-async-event-args = 32
# Maximum number of open channels supported by this UDP module Generally
# UDP does not require a large number of channels, therefore it is
# recommended to keep this setting low.
max-channels = 4096
# The select loop can be used in two modes:
# - setting "infinite" will select without a timeout, hogging a thread
# - setting a positive timeout will do a bounded select call,
# enabling sharing of a single thread between multiple selectors
# (in this case you will have to use a different configuration for the
# selector-dispatcher, e.g. using "type=Dispatcher" with size 1)
# - setting it to zero means polling, i.e. calling selectNow()
select-timeout = infinite
# When trying to assign a new connection to a selector and the chosen
# selector is at full capacity, retry selector choosing and assignment
# this many times before giving up
selector-association-retries = 10
# The maximum number of datagrams that are read in one go,
# higher numbers decrease latency, lower numbers increase fairness on
# the worker-dispatcher
receive-throughput = 3
# The maximum number of bytes delivered by a `Received` message. Before
# more data is read from the network the connection actor will try to
# do other work.
received-message-size-limit = unlimited
# Enable fine grained logging of what goes on inside the implementation.
# Be aware that this may log more than once per message sent to the actors
# of the tcp implementation.
trace-logging = off
# Fully qualified config path which holds the dispatcher configuration
# to be used for running the select() calls in the selectors
selector-dispatcher = "akka.io.pinned-dispatcher"
# Fully qualified config path which holds the dispatcher configuration
# for the read/write worker actors
worker-dispatcher = "akka.actor.internal-dispatcher"
# Fully qualified config path which holds the dispatcher configuration
# for the selector management actors
management-dispatcher = "akka.actor.internal-dispatcher"
udp-connected {
# Default implementation of `Akka.IO.Buffers.IBufferPool` interface. It
# allocates memory is so called segments. Each segment is then cut into
# buffers of equal size (see: `buffers-per-segment`). Those buffers are
# then lend to the requestor. They have to be released later on.
direct-buffer-pool {
# Class implementing `Akka.IO.Buffers.IBufferPool` interface, which
# will be created with this configuration.
class = "Akka.IO.Buffers.DirectBufferPool, Akka"
# Size of a single byte buffer in bytes.
buffer-size = 512
# Number of byte buffers per segment. Every segement is a single continuous
# byte array in memory. Once buffer pool will run out of byte buffers to
# lend it will allocate a next segment of memory.
# Each segments size is equal to `buffer-size` * `buffers-per-segment`.
buffers-per-segment = 500
# Number of segments to be created at extension start.
initial-segments = 1
# Maximum number of segments that can be created by this byte buffer pool
# instance. Once this limit will be reached, a next allocation attempt will
# cause `BufferPoolAllocationException` to be thrown.
buffer-pool-limit = 1024
# Default implementation of `Akka.IO.Buffers.IBufferPool` interface.
# Instead of maintaining allocated buffers and reusing them
# between different SocketAsyncEventArgs instances, it allocates new
# buffer each time when new socket connection is established.
disabled-buffer-pool {
# Class implementing `Akka.IO.Buffers.IBufferPool` interface, which
# will be created with this configuration.
class = "Akka.IO.Buffers.DisabledBufferPool, Akka"
# Size of a single byte buffer in bytes.
buffer-size = 512
# A buffer pool used to acquire and release byte buffers from the managed
# heap. Once byte buffer is no longer needed is can be released, landing
# on the pool again, to be reused later. This way we can reduce a GC pressure
# by reusing the same components instead of recycling them.
# NOTE: pooling is disabled by default, to enable use direct-buffer-pool:
# buffer-pool = "akka.io.udp-connected.direct-buffer-pool"
buffer-pool = "akka.io.udp-connected.disabled-buffer-pool"
# The number of selectors to stripe the served channels over; each of
# these will use one select loop on the selector-dispatcher.
nr-of-socket-async-event-args = 32
# Maximum number of open channels supported by this UDP module Generally
# UDP does not require a large number of channels, therefore it is
# recommended to keep this setting low.
max-channels = 4096
# The select loop can be used in two modes:
# - setting "infinite" will select without a timeout, hogging a thread
# - setting a positive timeout will do a bounded select call,
# enabling sharing of a single thread between multiple selectors
# (in this case you will have to use a different configuration for the
# selector-dispatcher, e.g. using "type=Dispatcher" with size 1)
# - setting it to zero means polling, i.e. calling selectNow()
select-timeout = infinite
# When trying to assign a new connection to a selector and the chosen
# selector is at full capacity, retry selector choosing and assignment
# this many times before giving up
selector-association-retries = 10
# The maximum number of datagrams that are read in one go,
# higher numbers decrease latency, lower numbers increase fairness on
# the worker-dispatcher
receive-throughput = 3
# The maximum number of bytes delivered by a `Received` message. Before
# more data is read from the network the connection actor will try to
# do other work.
received-message-size-limit = unlimited
# Enable fine grained logging of what goes on inside the implementation.
# Be aware that this may log more than once per message sent to the actors
# of the tcp implementation.
trace-logging = off
# Fully qualified config path which holds the dispatcher configuration
# to be used for running the select() calls in the selectors
selector-dispatcher = "akka.io.pinned-dispatcher"
# Fully qualified config path which holds the dispatcher configuration
# for the read/write worker actors
worker-dispatcher = "akka.actor.internal-dispatcher"
# Fully qualified config path which holds the dispatcher configuration
# for the selector management actors
management-dispatcher = "akka.actor.internal-dispatcher"
dns {
# Fully qualified config path which holds the dispatcher configuration
# for the manager and resolver router actors.
# For actual router configuration see akka.actor.deployment./IO-DNS/*
dispatcher = "akka.actor.internal-dispatcher"
# Name of the subconfig at path akka.io.dns, see inet-address below
resolver = "inet-address"
inet-address {
# Must implement akka.io.DnsProvider
provider-object = "Akka.IO.InetAddressDnsProvider"
# These TTLs are set to default java 6 values
positive-ttl = 30s
negative-ttl = 10s
# How often to sweep out expired cache entries.
# Note that this interval has nothing to do with TTLs
cache-cleanup-interval = 120s
# Use IPv6 for host resolution. Set to false if
# akka.io.tcp.outgoing-socket-force-ipv4 = true
use-ipv6 = true
# CoordinatedShutdown is an extension that will perform registered
# tasks in the order that is defined by the phases. It is started
# by calling CoordinatedShutdown(system).run(). This can be triggered
# by different things, for example:
# - JVM shutdown hook will by default run CoordinatedShutdown
# - Cluster node will automatically run CoordinatedShutdown when it
# sees itself as Exiting
# - A management console or other application specific command can
# run CoordinatedShutdown
coordinated-shutdown {
# The timeout that will be used for a phase if not specified with
# 'timeout' in the phase
default-phase-timeout = 5 s
# Terminate the ActorSystem in the last phase actor-system-terminate.
terminate-actor-system = on
# Exit the CLR(Environment.Exit(0)) in the last phase actor-system-terminate
# if this is set to 'on'. It is done after termination of the
# ActorSystem if terminate-actor-system=on, otherwise it is done
# immediately when the last phase is reached.
exit-clr = off
# Run the coordinated shutdown when the CLR process exits, e.g.
# via kill SIGTERM signal (SIGINT ctrl-c doesn't work).
run-by-clr-shutdown-hook = on
# Run the coordinated shutdown when ActorSystem.terminate is called.
# Enabling this and disabling terminate-actor-system is not a supported
# combination (will throw ConfigurationException at startup).
run-by-actor-system-terminate = on
# CoordinatedShutdown will run the tasks that are added to these
# phases. The phases can be ordered as a DAG by defining the
# dependencies between the phases.
# Each phase is defined as a named config section with the
# following optional properties:
# - timeout=15s: Override the default-phase-timeout for this phase.
# - recover=off: If the phase fails the shutdown is aborted
# and depending phases will not be executed.
# depends-on=[]: Run the phase after the given phases
phases {
# The first pre-defined phase that applications can add tasks to.
# Note that more phases can be be added in the application's
# configuration by overriding this phase with an additional
# depends-on.
before-service-unbind {
# Stop accepting new incoming requests in for example HTTP.
service-unbind {
depends-on = [before-service-unbind]
# Wait for requests that are in progress to be completed.
service-requests-done {
depends-on = [service-unbind]
# Final shutdown of service endpoints.
service-stop {
depends-on = [service-requests-done]
# Phase for custom application tasks that are to be run
# after service shutdown and before cluster shutdown.
before-cluster-shutdown {
depends-on = [service-stop]
# Graceful shutdown of the Cluster Sharding regions.
cluster-sharding-shutdown-region {
timeout = 10 s
depends-on = [before-cluster-shutdown]
# Emit the leave command for the node that is shutting down.
cluster-leave {
depends-on = [cluster-sharding-shutdown-region]
# Shutdown cluster singletons
cluster-exiting {
timeout = 10 s
depends-on = [cluster-leave]
# Wait until exiting has been completed
cluster-exiting-done {
depends-on = [cluster-exiting]
# Shutdown the cluster extension
cluster-shutdown {
depends-on = [cluster-exiting-done]
# Phase for custom application tasks that are to be run
# after cluster shutdown and before ActorSystem termination.
before-actor-system-terminate {
depends-on = [cluster-shutdown]
# Last phase. See terminate-actor-system and exit-jvm above.
# Don't add phases that depends on this phase because the
# dispatcher and scheduler of the ActorSystem have been shutdown.
actor-system-terminate {
timeout = 10 s
depends-on = [before-actor-system-terminate]