As of Akka.NET v1.5.15 we now include Akka.Analyzers as a package dependency for the core Akka library, which means any projects that reference anything depending on Akka
will automatically pull in all of Akka.Analyzer's rules and code fixes.
Akka.Analyzer is a Roslyn Analysis and Code Fix package, which means that it leverages the .NET compiler platform ("Roslyn") to detect Akka.NET-specific anti-patterns and problems during compilation, rather than at run-time.
Supported Rules
Id | Title | Severity | Category |
AK1000 | Do not use new to create actors. |
Error | Actor Design |
AK1002 | Must not await Self.GracefulStop() inside ReceiveAsync<T>() or ReceiveAnyAsync . |
Error | Actor Design |
AK1003 | ReceiveAsync<T>() or ReceiveAnyAsync() message handler without async lambda body. |
Warning | Actor Design |
AK1004 | ScheduleTellOnce() and ScheduleTellRepeatedly() can cause memory leak if not properly canceled |
Warning | Actor Design |
AK1005 | Must close over Sender or Self |
Warning | Actor Design |
AK1006 | Should not call Persist() or PersistAsync() inside a loop |
Warning | Actor Design |
AK1007 | Timers.StartSingleTimer() and Timers.StartPeriodicTimer() must not be used inside AroundPreRestart() or PreRestart() |
Error | Actor Design |
AK1008 | Creating actors using ActorSystem.ActorOf() inside an actor |
Warning | Actor Design |
AK2000 | Do not use Ask with TimeSpan.Zero for timeout. |
Error | API Usage |
AK2001 | Do not use automatically handled messages in inside Akka.Cluster.Sharding.IMessageExtractor s. |
Warning | API Usage |
AK2002 | Context.Materializer() should not be invoked multiple times, use a cached value instead. |
Warning | API Usage |
Deprecated Rules
Id | Title | Severity | Category |
AK1001 | Should always close over Sender when using PipeTo . |
Error | Actor Design |