Part 2: The Device Actor
In part 1 we explained how to view actor systems in the large, i.e. how components should be represented, how actors should be arranged in the hierarchy. In this part, we will look at actors in the small by implementing an actor with the most common conversational patterns.
In particular, leaving the components aside for a while, we will implement an actor that represents a device. The tasks of this actor will be rather simple:
- Collect temperature measurements
- Report the last measured temperature if asked
When working with objects we usually design our API as interfaces, which are basically a collection of abstract methods to be filled out by the actual implementation. In the world of actors, the counterpart of interfaces is protocols. While it is not possible to formalize general protocols in the programming language, we can formalize its most basic elements: The messages.
The Query Protocol
Just because a device has been started it does not mean that it immediately has a temperature measurement. Hence, we need to account in our protocol for the case in which a temperature is not present. This, fortunately, means that we can test the query part of the actor without the write part present, as it can simply report an empty result.
The protocol for obtaining the current temperature from the device actor is rather simple:
- Wait for a request for the current temperature.
- Respond to the request with a reply containing the current temperature or an indication that it is not yet available.
We need two messages, one for the request, and one for the reply. A first attempt could look like this:
public sealed class ReadTemperature
public static ReadTemperature Instance { get; } = new();
private ReadTemperature() { }
public sealed class RespondTemperature
public RespondTemperature(double? value)
Value = value;
public double? Value { get; }
This is a fine approach, but it limits the flexibility of the protocol. To understand why we need to talk about message ordering and message delivery guarantees in general.
Message Ordering, Delivery Guarantees
In order to give some context to the discussion below, consider an application which spans multiple network hosts. The basic mechanism for communication is the same whether sending to an actor on the local CLR or to a remote actor, but of course, there will be observable differences in the latency of delivery (possibly also depending on the bandwidth of the network link and the message size) and the reliability. In the case of a remote message send there are more steps involved which means that more can go wrong. Another aspect is that a local send will just pass a reference to the message inside the same CLR, without any restrictions on the underlying object which is sent, whereas a remote transport will place a limit on the message size.
It is also important to keep in mind that while sending inside the same CLR is significantly more reliable, if an actor fails due to a programmer error while processing the message, the effect is basically the same as if a remote, network request fails due to the remote host crashing while processing the message. Even though in both cases the service is recovered after a while (the actor is restarted by its supervisor, the host is restarted by an operator or by a monitoring system) individual requests are lost during the crash. Writing your actors such that every message could possibly be lost is the safe, pessimistic bet.
These are the rules in Akka.NET for message sends:
- At-most-once delivery, i.e. no guaranteed delivery.
- Message ordering is maintained per sender, receiver pair.
What Does "At-Most-Once" Mean?
When it comes to describing the semantics of a delivery mechanism, there are three basic categories:
- At-most-once delivery means that for each message handed to the mechanism, that message is delivered zero or one time; in more casual terms it means that messages may be lost, but never duplicated.
- At-least-once delivery means that for each message handed to the mechanism potentially multiple attempts are made at delivering it, such that at least one succeeds; again, in more casual terms this means that messages may be duplicated but not lost.
- Exactly-once delivery means that for each message handed to the mechanism exactly one delivery is made to the recipient; the message can neither be lost nor duplicated.
The first one is the cheapest, highest performance, least implementation overhead because it can be done in a fire-and-forget fashion without keeping the state at the sending end or in the transport mechanism. The second one requires retries to counter transport losses, which means keeping the state at the sending end and having an acknowledgment mechanism at the receiving end. The third is most expensive, and has consequently worst performance: in addition to the second, it requires the state to be kept at the receiving end in order to filter out duplicate deliveries.
Why No Guaranteed Delivery?
At the core of the problem lies the question what exactly this guarantee shall mean, i.e. at which point is the delivery considered to be guaranteed:
- When the message is sent out on the network?
- When the message is received by the other host?
- When the message is put into the target actor's mailbox?
- When the message is starting to be processed by the target actor?
- When the message is processed successfully by the target actor?
Most frameworks/protocols claiming guaranteed delivery actually provide something similar to point 4 and 5. While this sounds fair, is this actually useful? To understand the implications, consider a simple, practical example: A user attempts to place an order and we only want to claim that it has successfully processed once it is actually on disk in the database containing orders.
If we rely on the guarantees of such system it will report success as soon as the order has been submitted to the internal API that has the responsibility to validate it, process it and put it into the database. Unfortunately, immediately after the API has been invoked the following may happen:
- The host can immediately crash.
- Deserialization can fail.
- Validation can fail.
- The database might be unavailable.
- A programming error might occur.
The problem is that the guarantee of delivery does not translate to the domain level guarantee. We only want to report success once the order has been actually fully processed and persisted. The only entity that can report success is the application itself, since only it has any understanding of the domain guarantees required. No generalized framework can figure out the specifics of a particular domain and what is considered a success in that domain. In this particular example, we only want to signal success after a successful database write, where the database acknowledged that the order is now safely stored. For these reasons Akka.NET lifts the responsibilities of guarantees to the application itself, i.e. you have to implement them yourself. On the other hand, you are in full control of the guarantees that you want to provide.
Message Ordering
The rule is that for a given pair of actors, messages sent directly from the first to the second will not be received out-of-order. The word directly emphasizes that this guarantee only applies when sending with the tell operator directly to the final destination, but not when employing mediators.
- Actor
sends messagesM1
. - Actor
sends messagesM4
This means that:
- If
is delivered it must be delivered beforeM2
. - If
is delivered it must be delivered beforeM3
. - If
is delivered it must be delivered beforeM5
. - If
is delivered it must be delivered beforeM6
. A2
can see messages fromA1
interleaved with messages fromA3
.- Since there is no guaranteed delivery, any of the messages may be dropped, i.e. not arrive at
For the full details on delivery guarantees please refer to the reference page.
Revisiting the Query Protocol
There is nothing wrong with our first query protocol but it limits our flexibility. If we want to implement re-sends in the actor that queries our device actor (because of timed out requests) or want to query multiple actors it can be helpful to put an additional query ID field in the message which helps us correlate requests with responses.
Hence, we add one more field to our messages, so that an ID can be provided by the requester:
public sealed class ReadTemperature
public ReadTemperature(long requestId)
RequestId = requestId;
public long RequestId { get; }
public sealed class RespondTemperature
public RespondTemperature(long requestId, double? value)
RequestId = requestId;
Value = value;
public long RequestId { get; }
public double? Value { get; }
Our device actor has the responsibility to use the same ID for the response of a given query. Now we can sketch our device actor:
public class Device : UntypedActor
private double? _lastTemperatureReading = null;
public Device(string groupId, string deviceId)
GroupId = groupId;
DeviceId = deviceId;
protected override void PreStart() => Log.Info($"Device actor {GroupId}-{DeviceId} started");
protected override void PostStop() => Log.Info($"Device actor {GroupId}-{DeviceId} stopped");
protected ILoggingAdapter Log { get; } = Context.GetLogger();
protected string GroupId { get; }
protected string DeviceId { get; }
protected override void OnReceive(object message)
switch (message)
case MainDevice.ReadTemperature read:
Sender.Tell(new RespondTemperature(read.RequestId, _lastTemperatureReading));
public static Props Props(string groupId, string deviceId) =>
Akka.Actor.Props.Create(() => new Device(groupId, deviceId));
We maintain the current temperature, initially set to null
, and we simply report it back if queried. We also
added fields for the ID of the device and the group it belongs to, which we will use later.
We can already write a simple test for this functionality (we are using xUnit but any other test framework can be used with the Akka.NET Testkit):
public void Device_actor_must_reply_with_empty_reading_if_no_temperature_is_known()
var probe = CreateTestProbe();
var deviceActor = Sys.ActorOf(Device.Props("group", "device"));
deviceActor.Tell(new ReadTemperature(requestId: 42), probe.Ref);
var response = probe.ExpectMsg<RespondTemperature>();
The Write Protocol
As a first attempt, we could model recording the current temperature in the device actor as a single message:
- When a temperature record request is received, update the
Such a message could possibly look like this:
public sealed class RecordTemperature
public RecordTemperature(double value)
Value = value;
public double Value { get; }
The problem with this approach is that the sender of the record temperature message can never be sure if the message
was processed or not. We have seen that Akka.NET does not guarantee delivery of these messages and leaves it to the
application to provide success notifications. In our case, we would like to send an acknowledgment to the sender
once we have updated our last temperature recording, e.g. TemperatureRecorded
Just like in the case of temperature queries and responses, it is a good idea to include an ID field to provide maximum flexibility.
Putting read and write protocol together, the device actor will look like this:
public sealed class RecordTemperature
public RecordTemperature(long requestId, double value)
RequestId = requestId;
Value = value;
public long RequestId { get; }
public double Value { get; }
public sealed class TemperatureRecorded
public TemperatureRecorded(long requestId)
RequestId = requestId;
public long RequestId { get; }
public sealed class ReadTemperature
public ReadTemperature(long requestId)
RequestId = requestId;
public long RequestId { get; }
public sealed class RespondTemperature
public RespondTemperature(long requestId, double? value)
RequestId = requestId;
Value = value;
public long RequestId { get; }
public double? Value { get; }
public class Device : UntypedActor
private double? _lastTemperatureReading = null;
public Device(string groupId, string deviceId)
GroupId = groupId;
DeviceId = deviceId;
protected override void PreStart() => Log.Info($"Device actor {GroupId}-{DeviceId} started");
protected override void PostStop() => Log.Info($"Device actor {GroupId}-{DeviceId} stopped");
protected ILoggingAdapter Log { get; } = Context.GetLogger();
protected string GroupId { get; }
protected string DeviceId { get; }
protected override void OnReceive(object message)
switch (message)
case RecordTemperature rec:
Log.Info($"Recorded temperature reading {rec.Value} with {rec.RequestId}");
_lastTemperatureReading = rec.Value;
Sender.Tell(new TemperatureRecorded(rec.RequestId));
case ReadTemperature read:
Sender.Tell(new RespondTemperature(read.RequestId, _lastTemperatureReading));
public static Props Props(string groupId, string deviceId) =>
Akka.Actor.Props.Create(() => new Device(groupId, deviceId));
We are also responsible for writing a new test case now, exercising both the read/query and write/record functionality together. Note, that your test class should implement Akka.TestKit.XUnit2.TestKit in order to access CreateTestProbe().
public void Device_actor_must_reply_with_latest_temperature_reading()
var probe = CreateTestProbe();
var deviceActor = Sys.ActorOf(Device.Props("group", "device"));
deviceActor.Tell(new RecordTemperature(requestId: 1, value: 24.0), probe.Ref);
probe.ExpectMsg<TemperatureRecorded>(s => s.RequestId == 1);
deviceActor.Tell(new ReadTemperature(requestId: 2), probe.Ref);
var response1 = probe.ExpectMsg<RespondTemperature>();
deviceActor.Tell(new RecordTemperature(requestId: 3, value: 55.0), probe.Ref);
probe.ExpectMsg<TemperatureRecorded>(s => s.RequestId == 3);
deviceActor.Tell(new ReadTemperature(requestId: 4), probe.Ref);
var response2 = probe.ExpectMsg<RespondTemperature>();
What Is Next?
So far, we have started designing our overall architecture, and we wrote our first actor directly corresponding to the domain. We now have to create the component that is responsible for maintaining groups of devices and the device actors themselves.