Making Wire Format Changes to Akka.NET
Sometimes it's necessary to introduce new elements to the wire format of Akka.Remote, Akka.Cluster, or Akka.Persistence. This document explains how we try to do that safely in a manner that supports rolling upgrades with no downtime inside production Akka.NET clusters.
Wire Compatibility
Wire compatibility is a distinct problem from API / binary compatibility - and the big problem with wire compatibility is that it runs in two directions:
- Backward compatibility: old versions of the software must be able to successfully send messages to new versions of the software;
- Backward compatibility: new versions of the software must be able to process previous versions of the wire format; and
- Forward compatibility: old versions of the software must be able to process messages from new versions of the software during the upgrade.
This can be difficult to do correctly especially the forward compatibility requirement.
Akka.NET's Wire Compatibility Requirements
Here are the requirements that Akka.NET introduces to its wire compatibility:
- All messages written using a previous stable release of Akka.NET should always be able to be read in the future; this is true across even major version upgrades_.
- New changes to the wire format can be introduced on the read-side at any time, but the write-side must always be opt-in (disabled by default). This is designed to give the Akka.NET install base some time to gradually absorb the functioning, but mostly dormant read-side code into their applications so future rolling upgrades can be safely executed in the future.
- Wire format changes can be made opt-out only after the release of the next minor version of Akka.NET, after which users have had a significant number of versions where the read-side code.
- Under no circumstances are new wire types to be introduced using any type of polymorphic serialization. Schema-based serialization via Google Protocol Buffers only.
Again, we apply the principles of extend-only design here. Once you incorporate a change into the wire format it's there for good.
Safely Enhancing Existing Wire Types and Introducing New Ones
Akka.NET largely relies on Google Protocol Buffers for all of its internal messaging, and although we support polymorphic serialization by default for user-objects we strongly encourage those users to adopt schema-based serialization as well.
One of the reasons why schema-based serialization is a preferred choice over polymorphic serialization is its inherent support for sane, manageable versioning. Google's advice on how to update existing message types is excellent on this subject.
Case Study: Heartbeat
Messages in Akka.Cluster
Consider the Heartbeat
message in Akka.Cluster:
/// <summary>
/// Sent at regular intervals for failure detection
/// </summary>
internal sealed class Heartbeat : IClusterMessage, IPriorityMessage, IDeadLetterSuppression, IEquatable<Heartbeat>
public Heartbeat(Address from, long sequenceNr, long creationTimeNanos)
From = from;
SequenceNr = sequenceNr;
CreationTimeNanos = creationTimeNanos;
public Address From { get; }
public long SequenceNr { get; }
public long CreationTimeNanos { get; }
public bool Equals(Heartbeat other)
if (ReferenceEquals(null, other)) return false;
if (ReferenceEquals(this, other)) return true;
return From.Equals(other.From) && SequenceNr == other.SequenceNr && CreationTimeNanos == other.CreationTimeNanos;
public override bool Equals(object obj)
return ReferenceEquals(this, obj) || obj is Heartbeat other && Equals(other);
public override int GetHashCode()
var hashCode = From.GetHashCode();
hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ SequenceNr.GetHashCode();
hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ CreationTimeNanos.GetHashCode();
return hashCode;
Prior to Akka.NET 1.4.19, we represented Heartbeat
messages over the wire simply by piggy-backing off of the Address
data type:
// Defines a remote address.
message AddressData {
string system = 1;
string hostname = 2;
uint32 port = 3;
string protocol = 4;
In Akka.NET v1.4.19 we wanted to add some additional data to Heartbeat
so we could keep track of inter-node latency and this would require us to introduce an entirely new wire type. How could we accomplish this?
All Akka.NET serializers should implement the SerializerWithStringManifest
base class, which allows for explicit control type identifiers on the wire.
First, we introduced a new Protobuf to our other message definitions:
* Prior to version 1.4.19
* Heartbeat
* Sends an Address
* Version 1.4.19 can deserialize this message but does not send it
message Heartbeat {
Akka.Remote.Serialization.Proto.Msg.AddressData from = 1;
int64 sequenceNr = 2;
sint64 creationTime = 3;
* Prior to version 1.4.19
* HeartbeatRsp
* Sends an UniqueAddress
* Version 1.4.19 can deserialize this message but does not send it
message HeartBeatResponse {
UniqueAddress from = 1;
int64 sequenceNr = 2;
int64 creationTime = 3;
And we updated the ClusterMessageSerializer
to consume these new Protobuf types:
public override object FromBinary(byte[] bytes, string manifest)
switch (manifest)
case HeartBeatManifestPre1419:
return DeserializeHeartbeatAsAddress(bytes);
case HeartBeatRspManifestPre1419:
return DeserializeHeartbeatRspAsUniqueAddress(bytes);
case HeartBeatManifest:
return DeserializeHeartbeat(bytes);
case HeartBeatRspManifest:
return DeserializeHeartbeatRsp(bytes);
case GossipStatusManifest:
return GossipStatusFrom(bytes);
case GossipEnvelopeManifest:
return GossipEnvelopeFrom(bytes);
case InitJoinManifest:
return new InternalClusterAction.InitJoin();
case InitJoinAckManifest:
return new InternalClusterAction.InitJoinAck(AddressFrom(AddressData.Parser.ParseFrom(bytes)));
case InitJoinNackManifest:
return new InternalClusterAction.InitJoinNack(AddressFrom(AddressData.Parser.ParseFrom(bytes)));
case JoinManifest:
return JoinFrom(bytes);
case WelcomeManifest:
return WelcomeFrom(bytes);
case LeaveManifest:
return new ClusterUserAction.Leave(AddressFrom(AddressData.Parser.ParseFrom(bytes)));
case DownManifest:
return new ClusterUserAction.Down(AddressFrom(AddressData.Parser.ParseFrom(bytes)));
case ExitingConfirmedManifest:
return new InternalClusterAction.ExitingConfirmed(
case ClusterRouterPoolManifest:
return ClusterRouterPoolFrom(bytes);
throw new ArgumentException($"Unknown manifest [{manifest}] in [{nameof(ClusterMessageSerializer)}]");
But, importantly, we didn't add the code to begin producing any of these message types immediately - as we need the read-side code to propagate through the install base first. We will very likely switch over to the new message type for Akka.NET v1.5. This is the crucial step - allowing the read-side code to make its way into users production applications prior to enabling the new message types.
Another way we could do this is to introduce a configuration setting that is set to off
by default, but when set to on
enables the production of these new message types.